The Other Version of the Original
This is an international ad I found on Ads of the World. It is probably the funniest ad I have seen in a very long time! The woman featured in the ad plays the part so well, it makes us women wonder why we even like the pigs at all. Walking around naked, adding beer to cereal, burping, farting and watching racing on TV, yup that's a man alright. The only difference is she looks a lot better than a man does. The concept is brilliant; the ad grabs your attentions immediately and holds it. Unlike a lot of ads like this one (entertaining ads based on humor or shock), at the end you actually know what the product is. The use of repetition i.e. scratching her butt twice, keeps the product in view and focus on the underwear. The tagline at the end reinforces the product and gives the message of the ad. It's true, men don't want to see other men walking around almost naked. Although they probably don't want to see a beautiful woman farting and burping either; but the point is well taken. She is just like a man...but boy, is she easier on the eyes (well at least to men)
Everything in advertising is intentional right? I mean look at her place, filled with empty liquor and beer bottles, a pizza box on the table with a lone slice left, the empty fridge; what is all this stuff saying? In the infamous words or Austin Powers, “She’s a man baby!!!”
As a side note, I think the use of racing at the end is interesting. If this ad were an American ad, (HaHa, I know it would never make it on American television) but if it were, she would be watching football. You would hear the stereotypical announcer in the background or the referee making a call. But being an international ad, probably based out of Europe they use racing. I know racing in other countries is huge; and they don't do any of that silly NASCAR crap where it is considered a skill to make left turns a.k.a. driving in a circle. Take what you want from this, it is just a note of interest on culture and advertising to different countries.