Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Trigger Happy Much

Tonight on CBS Eyewitness news there was a piece that I couldn't believe! Check it out for yourself! A man lost his dog to a trigger happy cop in South San Francisco. The owner took his year old boxer to the park where it often played with other dogs. His dog and another began to play rough, at which point the owner of the other dog screamed. Her husband, an off-duty police officer, ran over and shot the boxer. I mean come on! Dogs play rough! The cop couldn't give the owner a chance to get his dog before he killed her? Dog fights aren't over within seconds; there is no need to take such drastic action so quickly. Not to mention they weren't fighting... I know we have had our dog problems in San Francisco, but these cases were due to negligent, stupid owners, who often trained their dogs to be aggressive. What about the lady who used to lock her son in the basement so the dogs wouldn't attack him, and then was shocked when the dogs killed her son. The woman was an idiot, a dog that displays that kind of aggression needs to be put down. Don't jump to conclusions about a breed or dogs in general because of the morons in the world. The owner of the boxer described the scene and could barely talk he was so upset. He said his dog had the other dog by the ear, which is one way a dog will play, (I have two that always tug on each others ears) if she had gone for the neck of the other dog it might be different. Once the officer shot the dog he described how she just went limp, and died. What a sad, ridiculous thing to happen. Anyone who has a pet knows how they become part of the family. To watch your dog get shot because she was playing...well there are no words. You would have to shoot me too in order to get me off the guy. That is some bull shit right there, and totally uncalled for. How infuriating!

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